
Critical edition with commentary of the rhymes of Antonio Brocardo

Auteur Antonello Fabio CATERINO
Directeur /trice Simone Albonico (Universitè de Lausanne) and Maria Cristina Figorilli (Università della Calabria)
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s)
Résumé de la thèse

This new edition aims: to carefully reconstruct the biography of the poet, his environment and the relationships with other poets / intellectuals of his time; to finally make clarity on the controversies that saw the young Venetian as the protagonist, examining the contemporary sources (correcting as reported by the biographies of Bembo or the literary histories); to provide an appropriate comment to his rhymes, after restoring a secure critical text, to make greater clarity in the relationship between Brocardo and furbesco literarature; place the poet in a particular phase of the Petrarchism.


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